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An email course to support you

If you look after someone, we've designed a free five-part email course to support you. You could be looking after a parent, a partner, a neighbour or a child with a disability or long term illness/condition. 

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What you'll learn

Our free five-part email course is designed by our coaches to support people who regularly look after someone. In the course we cover: 

  • ✅  Ensure you are accessing fundamental services - so that you are getting the most help possible.

  • ✅  How to create a network of people who can support you - so you never feel isolated. 

  • ✅  Guidance on emergency planning - so you are ready and prepared should something unexpected come up.

  • ✅  How to stay up to date - so you are aware of any changes which may affect you. 

Hi, I'm Suzanne, Carers Coach here at Mobilise

Suzanne - Carers Coach

This course is perfect to do a quick temperature check on you and your caring role. It's there to signpost you to services you may not have considered and to ensure that YOU are well supported in what you do. 

We've looked at everything we can do to help similar people to you, drawing on the experiences of our community and packaged it up into five emails. 

I hope you find it useful - do let me know if you have any feedback!


About Mobilise

We believe that carers should have clarity and access to the help they need - all the time. That's why all our services are free and accessible to every carer. We work closely with local councils and carers to make sure that you always have access to the help you need.

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