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How we support Local Authorities

We work with local authorities, to expand their engagement and support with unpaid carers.


This works alongside traditional support services and allows you to extend your reach to those carers that don’t typically reach out to you, as well as making traditional delivery more efficient.


This is how we work: 


  1. We use a range of digital marketing techniques to drive demand for our tools and services, identifying individuals as unpaid carers. 

  2. We engage carers with content created specifically for them 

  3. We offer a range of appropriate support services, handing over to  social care services wherever necessary

Our work is backed by academic research to ensure that we are always doing the best by carers.

The benefits of working with Mobilise

  • Provide online support to unpaid carers, where leaving the house for physical meetings aren’t possible. 

  • Support unpaid carers who haven’t engaged with existing services. Extend your reach to carers online. 

  • Self-sustaining support. Our strengths-based approach means we equip carers with skills to help manage their life.

  • Carers supporting each other. We connect carers so that they don’t feel isolated, they share challenges, solutions, and emotions amongst a knowing audience. 

  • Efficient delivery model that enables more space for traditional services.

Examples of our work

Working with Camden Council we supported carers online through the coronavirus outbreak: 

  • Using digital engagement strategies we connected with over 5,000 unpaid carers. Including promotion of our Blue Badge, and Carer's Allowance checker tool. 

  • Creation of an email course to support carers and direct them to content and services

  • Operated individual and group support services, such as our famous 'virtual cuppas' and carer coaching.

  • Creation of content delivered via our weekly carer newsletter and through the Mobilise Hub.

Stay up to date

If you’d like to know more about our support, register for our monthly email updates.


You’ll receive: 

  • Access to the top content carers have engaged with 

  • Exclusive data on the priorities for carers 

  • Tips and guidance on how to engage with carers online

Make an enquiry

If you think we might be able to help you. We’d love to have a conversation to understand more about your situation.

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