Lucy Thomas
Mobilise Support Specialist
"Hi there!I joined the team in January 2023 having previously worked for an educational technology start-up.
I live in Somerset with my husband and children. I am a parent carer to my youngest, who was born with a cleft lip and palate and has various special needs we are still learning about! It’s wonderful and refreshing to have a job where I can use my life experiences to inform my work.
I’m also heavily involved in supporting the care of my father-in-law who lives with vascular dementia in a nearby village. This is another one of life’s journeys, presenting challenges. There are many good times that I cherish inbetween the demands.
To get perspective, I love nothing more than to connect with nature. An ideal walk in the country for me includes spotting birds, wildflowers and mushrooms, and not people! I love discovering new places, both at home and abroad, although family life has curtailed my wanderings.
In an earlier life I managed to explore many remote places, mostly in Asia. I like to bring the exotic to home through my main obsession: food, in all its forms. I’m either planning a meal, listening to podcasts about food, cooking, eating or sharing food with family and friends. When I’m not stuffing my face, I burn calories by tap dancing and expand my horizons with the Frome Film Club’s offering of independent cinema from around the world."